
What the Prophetic Filipino Church Should Be

As long as the church is the "church"--the one the bible speaks about--it has to be prophetic. No ifs or buts. The Filipino church ought to realize this if wants to fulfill its destiny in Jesus Christ. No true church in Jesus Christ can remain merely evangelical. It must be apostolic, prophetic, evangelical, pastoral and pedagogical.  Photo by Roz Vasquez. And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, and those with gifts of healing, helping, administration, and various tongues. [1 Corinthians 12.28] In the Church There's the qualifying phrase, "in the church" to mean that as long as it's the church, it has to have apostles, first, and prophets, second, and so on. That's the genuine church that Jesus put up, according to Paul.  And Jesus did say that apostles and prophets will be sent to deal with the anti-prophetic spirit of the religious leaders in his time. As long as the anti-pro

Are you a Prophet in the Philippines for Someone in the Wilderness?

You may be a prophet. Don't laugh or think it's something absurd. Isaiah thought he couldn't make it as a real prophet of God. He felt dirty, especially his lips. He shouted, "Woe is me!" That's something seriously terrible to say about yourself. But God chose him anyway. HE chose him, cleansed him and told Isaiah about HIS plan but it was with a question. "Who shall I send?"  After choosing you and prepping you up, HE still asks you if you want in.  Photo by Korney Violin on Unsplash . GOD will choose you but you have to desire to be in. Often, people GOD chooses stop at the cleansing part. They repent, surrender their lives to Jesus, and become active in church ministry. Their spiritual sensitivity to GOD stops there and they fail to discern the other things GOD is telling them. They can't (or won't) step up their spiritual frequencies because of their satisfaction to reach what traditional churches say is the "peak" of Christia

Answering the Prophetic Call for the Philippines

The prophetic vision for the Philippines, that of being a formidable spiritual vanguard in Southeast Asia and a powerful spiritual launching pad for missions, still stands, but how the different prophetic churches respond to this vision is a sorry story. Instead of bonding together, the churches have gone their own ways. Photo by Carlos Felipe Ramírez Mesa on Unsplash . What "unity" they have now is very nominal, having the form of godliness but denying its power. You sense how each church or church alliance claims spiritual superiority over others, that they alone carry the genuine vision and anointing. The same is true with denominational churches, or even worse. The church is lost. The glory has left. Or, I dare say, there's not yet a true church in the truest biblical meaning of the term.  Jesus' church needs to be built, not rebuilt.  Fulfillment of the Vision A house divided against itself will not stand, and as long as apostolic and prophetic churches in the P

When Nothing is Working

Sometimes, nothing seems to work. Though they keep telling you to count your blessings if you can, sometimes what keeps coming are just problems. You see others getting blessed but woes just keep coming your way. You believe with all your heart but for what? Photo by Malachi Cowie on Unsplash . The prophet Jeremiah once had too much to bear. He could stand it no longer. Everything seemed meaningless and senseless. After all he endured and suffered to live holy for God, the more his life became unbearable. What was God up to? Was this the good plan the Lord had for him? He felt like he was scammed by God. Why is my pain unending and my wound grievous and incurable? You are to me like a deceptive brook, like a spring that fails. [Jeremiah 15] Deceptive brook, that was how God seemed when His good promises never happened. When all the bad things that are supposed to happen to the wicked are happening to you--even if you believe God's Word with all your heart--you'd feel misled, o